Whats the JOY if you STICK to the normal

(But what TYPE?) Normally the next article would/should be about the changes to the Expansion Interface, but I actually found something that is going in the middle of the keyboard and the EI. A bit of history Long ago and far away there was a company called Big Five Software that came out with a device called “TRISSTICK“. It was…

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Just a few toys inside

(It even exceeded my own expectations) The best laid plans About this time I was also working on my NC beach house getting it ready for season (Tucs Beachin OBX House). I brought down with me : My intention was twofold. I wanted to see just how good a signal I’d get from composite (The composite to HDMI was if…

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Pick a TRS, any TRS

(It’s such a hard decision, sort of) Starting base To start building the machine, we have to pick a base. If you were following my “RACS III” rebuild, I had my original system, and a few spares. (You can see that here). I also picked up a system from the UK on eBay. After much consideration (Ok, not so much,…

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The WHO of FrankenTRS.COM

(And why, and maybe some other things.) So who am I, and what is FrankenTRS (And for those coming from RACSIII.NET, you can pretty much skip this page) WHO AM I My name, well, at least my nickname, is Tuc. Its pronounced like how you “TUCk” in a shirt. I won’t go into my real name since that’s not important…

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